Eva Vēvere, Laura Prikule
Eva Vēvere and Laura Prikule are artists who work with various techniques, including installations, graphics and painting. The focus of their interests is space and its transformational possibilities, turning it into an element of the artwork, as well as time-space, process and game ideas.
“Poetic Robotism” is a series begun in 2009 by the artistic tandem, an artwork of method and process which visually explores the balance between the poetic and the robotic, system and freedom, ideal and actual, thus addressing the “paradox point” as a specific location in the individual’s zone of perception. “Poetic Robotism” plays on interactive visual situations. The work is a commentary on art in a time of transformation and the zone between analogue and digital technologies.
As the artists explain, “part of the artwork was created while working in industrial areas and reflecting on the question of whether the artist is a worker, or a machine, or the creator of revolutionary change, and what exactly is the artist’s work. We present the hypothesis that the artist’s task is to paint cubes, and as the colour of the cubes changes, so the surrounding world also changes.”
Born In The Future Lost In The Past Found In The Present: Poetic Robotism. 2009–2019.